Thursday, October 15, 2009

Exit 4A Discussion

A special meeting of the Town Council was held last night to discuss and vote on an additional $600,000 in funding for the completion of the Environmental Impact Statement. The vote was postponed by Charter Objection until the next Council meeting on Oct. 27th. What are your thoughts?

Suggestion Box

Do you have an idea, suggestion or question for the ADT or the Town Council? Here's the place to post them!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


My name is Stephanie Hooton and I am pleased that I have been selected as President of the the Alliance of Derry Taxpayers (ADT). As President, I hope to bring some new ideas to the group. I have lived in Derry for 11 years but did not become involved with the ADT until late in 2008. My main reason for joining this group was concern over my rising tax bill, and like most taxpayers in Derry, I was looking for ways to help bring this under control.

Since joining ADT and becoming more involved in town politics, I have found there is a very obvious divide between groups in town and a severe feeling of "us against them". I've heard that the ADT is "against the schools", and other such rumors and I think it's time the citizens of Derry try to work together. My goal as President of the ADT is to improve citizen awareness of the issues that face the town, improve voter turnout and increase overall involvement from all taxpayers.

The bottom line is we are all in this together. I have two children in the Derry school system and I fully support the excellent school system we have here in Derry. I also know the impact that the upcoming changes in state school funding are going to have on our tax bills if we cannot find ways to get things in check. The current Charter Commission is investigating options, but citizen involvement so far has been rather weak.

There are a lot of smart people who live in this town with a lot of great ideas. If the ADT can harness these ideas and get more people involved, we can all realize improvements in our town government and our personal financial outlook. No one likes having their homes devalued and their tax rate climb, so it's time to unite! It's easy to sit home and complain, I did it for 9 years. It's a little harder to get out and try to do something. I decided it was my time to get involved and I hope others are ready to take action as well.

The ADT welcomes all new ideas and new faces.

We created this blog to have civil discussions about issues that face us all. We may not agree on everything, but we should be able to talk about our differences and work together.

Stephanie Hooton
Derry, NH
President - Alliance of Derry Taxpayers