Sunday, November 8, 2009

Charter Commission

What's up with the Charter Commission? Discuss it here.


  1. I proposed and it was tenatively accepted by the commission that we make all the Town Council seats At Large. The idea is to try to get more qualified candidates running for seats. The more restrictions you put on candidates (for example, you have to live in a certain part of town) the fewer highly qualified people will be serving. In recent memory I have seen only one Councilor actively represents her district. Also given the way districts are drawn, they are relatively meaningless. Your thoughts?


  2. I am not sure about this. If we look at the configuration of the Council historically, we always seem to get a majority on the Council of Business people who vote their own selfish business insterests instead of the best interests of the people who elected them.

    How do we fix that?

  3. I don't believe eliminating districts fixes the good old boy problem. That requires hard work by people who are interested in changing Derry. I believe that a frighteningly large percentage of the people vote on name recognition in local elections. Candidates for reforming our town government need to get their names out there and become known to the voters. Most importantly I think we need to become better organized so that we can get out our vote. I this town of 34,000, an organized block of 500 to 750 voters could swing most elections. Several times now we have lost elections (and control of the Council) by about 30 votes.

    The idea behind the proposed change in the councilors, eliminating the districts and changing them to At Large, is to improve the average quality of candidates thereby improving the quality of the council.

  4. Oh by the way, this week the Charter Commission limited the use of "charter objections" in the Town Council. The Minority has used Charter Objections to slow down the Council Majority but the tactic has never stopped the majority from spending great gobs of taxpayer money on 4A and alike when they get it into their heads to do so.

  5. I personally don't know if getting rid of the districts and making all the council seats 'councilor-at -large' is a good way to go. I read it is to get "more qualified candidates" to run for office. The question that keeps going through my mind is, what makes a person more qualified than another? Is it their education, income, type of job, status in town, size of house or what? I think the most qualified person would be someone who thinks on their own, a person that will take the time to read up on the issues and vote in the best interests of the town. Someone that is not beholden to any interest groups. I want someone who cares about the people they represent and welcomes their ideas and criticisms.

    I like the idea of having districts so I know which councilor to turn to if I need the help with a town issue. I have contacted my district councilor a few times and with her help my problems were solved. I wouldn't know where to turn if all the councilors are 'at large'. Some of the current members seem as if they can't be bothered with the public and that is wrong. I think one of the best things Janet did was have an open meeting with the people of her district, I only wish she did it again. There will be a disconnect between the people and the town council if the districts are done away with.

    I believe that putting some type of ethics rules in the town charter may go a long way to getting more qualified people to run for office. Who would want that thankless job now? There is just too much in fighting, name calling and just plain rudeness among the councilors now for anyone to consider running for town council. How about some mutual respect? Let's just fix what we have instead of throwing it all out and starting over. We also need a strong council chairman who will put their foot down and control the other members.

    These are just my own personal thoughts. I'd like to hear other ideas, maybe I'm missing something.

  6. The Charter Commission is a huge failure. It was well intentioned, but the "school stooges" and the "good ole boys" soon took it over and are making sure that any changes made only help them screw the taxpayer in their relentless pursuit of their own selfish interests.

    It just lets one realize who really runs this town.

  7. Anon 10:47 - I posted your comment, because I believe you are right in the fact that the Charter Commission isn't doing much to change things in town. However, we're trying to stay away from the name calling and are much more in favor of getting more people involved and out to vote. That's the only way we are going to change things in town. Thanks for visiting the blog and please help us spread the word. We need more people in favor of changing the way things are done here. If we can't make more people aware and get them out to vote, it's never going to happen.

  8. HI Steph,

    You are absolutely right. If we cannot get the apathetic voters out to vote, we will never win. So far, the Alliance has been professional and courteous and has approached things like Ladies and Gentlemen. However, that approach has not worked. I posted my comments under the heading for getting voters out. If we are to win, we must become more aggressive or the present established order will continue to walk all over us. History repeats itself time and time again.

    I will refrain from name calling from now on, but I really get frustrated and angry about what is happening in Town Government and the Schools. What is most frustrating is they always win and just walk all over us. Again, the reason is the voters stay home for town elections and only Town and School people go out to vote.

    I have pretty much given up hope at this time as this situation has gone on so long. I am luckier than most as I own my house and am retired. I can sell my house and leave Derry and get out of this mess. The ones I really feel sorry for are the ones that are trapped in a mortgage which is more than their house is worth. They face prospects of foreclosure. That will hurt all of us in the end as Derry property values will continue to plummet as a result.

    In any event, I have really given up hope. The only question left for me is when I sell my house and leave Derry. That is really the only solution to the high taxes here which are generalted by a Town and School system which only seems to care about their own selfish interests. They do not seem to care much about the taxpayers who have to pay for it.

    This is my last posting on the blog. You will not hear from me again.
