Friday, May 14, 2010

The ADT Blog is still alive!

It's been a little slow here lately, but we're hanging in there and still following key issues like 4A and the school funding. Feel free to talk Derry politics here, or anything else that's on your mind. Thanks for visiting our blog!


  1. Are they really considering building a parking garage downtown? I don't want my tax dollars spent on that. Plus the people who live around there might get pissed off like they are about the resturant that wants to have a deck with outdoor seating.

    A business wants to expand and people complain, then sue. If they don't like it maybe they shouldn't have moved into DOWNTOWN.

  2. I appreciate the fact that the firemen and senior management of the town gave up their cost of living raises. However I must wonder about the town's negotiating skills signing contracts that give cost of living increases at a time when the cost of living is DECREASING.

    Doug Newell
